Thursday, May 29, 2008

Finally, Good News from a Doctor!

I had a conduction test done last week. If you don't know what that is, it's like volunteering for the electric chair. Josh even told me to make sure they used a wet sponge (See the movie the Green Mile if you don't know what this means). Basically, they connect electrodes to one end of a nerve and give it an electrical charge to determine possible nerve damage. Since I have been having some leg problems that seemed nerve related, this test was needed.

Before getting to the results, here's the latest on the rest of the health front. Surgery on my arm went well, though I was frustrated that I wasn't back to normal after three days (Paige nailed me on that!). The MRI on my lower back showed that it is getting worse. Last time I had a torn disk. Now that disk is beginning to bulge and two more are torn. Blood tests showed suddenly high cholesterol and sugar levels, so I'm on a pill for that and a huge diet change (That I'm hating!). We have three months to get it in line or more drastic measures will be taken. I'm not diabetic, but close. The sudden number jump scared the Dr. enough that he was surprised that I wasn't having chest pains and ordered an immediate EKG. Everything is fine there.

The results are in. While there is some nerve damage, most of the damage that is symptomatic is reversible. Finally, some good news! I began therapy to strengthen my back and now I am doing traction (which feels good during, but not later when the back realizes what's been done to it!). The obvious hope is to avoid surgery, so I am working hard!

As for church, I have had to stop doing set-up and tear-down which is nice, but it's hard dealing with the feeling that I'm not pulling my weight while the rest of our staff is working so hard. My goal is to be able to help out again beginning in August, which is when it really gets hot. Not excited about the heat, but want to be helpful if I can.

My focus this year is to get fixed the things that can be fixed, so my arm may not be my last surgery. My body is falling apart faster as I grow older and I have to shake the idea that I just have to accept it. Some things can't change unless God intervenes (which I would gladly welcome!), but those things that now with better technology and processes possibly can, I want to try and change.

I appreciate all the prayers and encouragement I have gotten to this point. Please keep it up!

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

One Prayer

One prayer. It sounds so simple. What is your one prayer for the church throughout the world? During the month of June we will be joining 800+ other churches for a four week series called One Prayer. You can learn more about it here

It's hard to narrow it down to just one. In Jesus' prayer in John 17 he prayed that we would be one, united in our love for God and for one another. It doesn't get any simpler yet so difficult as that. It doesn't get any more important than that either. If the church isn't united in its love for God and its love for each other, how will the world come to know Him? Every prayer then, is a subset of Jesus' prayer for without unity we have nothing.

It's going to be amazing to know that churches all over the world will be joining in this series. It's going to be interesting to see what aspect of this prayer other churches focus on. I can't wait!

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Rick Warren

I remember the first time I visited Saddleback church and heard Rick Warren speak. The church was still meeting at a high school. Since that time, I have visited the church a number of times. I used to live about 20-30 minutes from the church. I have seen the church grow in numbers and influence.

Yesterday, I got the chance to hear some new stuff from Rick along with most of our staff. As is often the case, I was really challenged. He was speaking from 2 Corinthians chapter 4. Here are some things that really hit me:

1 - This was actually a quote by Jerry Falwell. Regardless of what you think of Falwell, this rocked me. Paraphrasing, he said that greatness is determined by what it takes to discourage you. I really need to work on this in my life. I get so discouraged over several things, mostly beyond my control. I need to do a better job in this area.
2 - You lose perspective when your're tired. This really applies right now. I haven't slept much since surgery last week and it's really affecting my ability to stay focused and think clearly.
3 - God's pupose is greater than your problems. This is a great reminder! I do the best I can in this area, often pushing myself a little too hard and then paying the price. I mostly think of physical problems here, but life struggles apply greatly. I do better focusing on his purpose over my life problems than I do with my physical problems.
4 - Make time for daily renewal. Divert daily, withdraw weekly, and take time for yearly abandonment. I need to start getting together with some other pastors in my area to encourage and pray for them, and allow them to do the same for me.

Rick always makes you think. There are several other points that I need to reflect on, but these I need to work on.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Theology - Big Words!

I don't often get into heavy theological studies, but I have been drawn to take another look at what I believe about some things. I think we all need to challenge ourselves in this area from time to time. The deep study is good, especially when I often don't go deep in my daily devotions.

So, I've been looking at big words like sacerdotalism, christology, soteriology, and other concepts that often divide churches. I've been spending some time looking at Calvinism and Armenianism especially. I don't fit neatly into either tradition, but always seek to understand the views of both more fully.

The problem comes when we go beyond what is clear to what is not and become dogmatic about what is not. Great theologians have debated some key issues for centuries without clear resolution or agreement. Many would rather fight than to admit that they may not have answers to everything. There are viewpoints that I hold, that I can defend, but I also admit that there are a few passages that I don't have all of the answers to.

It is important to me that we be unified where we can be, and give grace where we can't. This doesn't mean that I don't have conviction about by beliefs, but it does mean that I am not willing to split the church over most of them. The bottom line is, are we doing what Jesus sent us to do? Are we fulfilling the great commission with the great commandment? How we do it doesn't matter nearly as much as whether or not we are doing it!

We don't have to prove each other wrong, but we should challenge each other to continue to grow in their faith, knowledge, and obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ.

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OK, it's been too long since I have posted, but not as long as some of my friends and fellow staff members!

Since my last post I had surgery on my arm (doing OK), and we had nearly 2800 people on the weekend at PVC! No the two aren't related other than seeing God work in both situations.

We're nearly finished with the two NBGG groups that Mark and Debbie are leading. Dennis and I had the opportunity to visit last week and the growth is very cool to see! It was great for another staff member to see what's happening with our new believers, they don't always get to see the results like my team does.

We're heading into summer and instead of slowing down, we're cranking it up. June will be interesting with the "One Prayer" series. It will be cool to experience the teaching of some outside of PVC's gifted speakers. It will also be good for Greg to have a long break!

We have some tweaks coming in our New Believer ministry and some expansion plans too. This past weekend we had three potential coaches observing to see if this is where God wants them serving. It's great to see people coming to the table and asking what it takes to serve in this area.

Today I am having a conduction test done to evaluate nerve damage in my lover back and legs. Think of it as volunteering for the electric chair! OK, it's not that bad, but the test hurts, and yes they are electrocuting you in the process. This better help them solve some problems I am having!

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Friday, May 02, 2008

Covenant Marriage

For me, I thought all marriages were covenant marriages. According to the state of Arizona, there is a difference, and I am glad. With the high rate of divorce in this country, I am glad that there is at least an attempt by this state to reduce that number.

A covenant marriage is a step beyond a normal wedding. To receive a covenant marriage license, the couple must complete pre-marital counseling (supported by a notarized certification by the clergy or other person doing the counseling). After the marriage, before a couple can divorce, they must go through counseling.

It doesn't prevent divorce, but it will hopefully reduce it. The one thing that I wish they would change, is that right now, anyone can officiate a wedding in AZ. I wish that they would limit that to licensed clergy and officials of the court. I think that would help reduce the divorce rate as well.

Saturday night I will officiate my first covenant marriage. I personally know the couple and am excited for them. I am also proud that they are taking this extra step and giving their marriage a good foundation for success.

Another way to reduce divorce is to eliminate the term from your vocabulary. If you don't view it as an out, then when troubles come, you have no choice but to work things out. That's not easy or popular, if we made divorce more difficult, less couples would take marriage so lightly.

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