Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Change Doesn't Just Happen

On occasion, God, by his miraculous power, will suddenly change us. When that happens it is awe inspiring. The thing is, that is the exception not the rule. We see over and over again in Scripture the stories of people who changed over time.

It is through God's power that we are changed, but it often takes time. Habits and personality traits that have been ingrained for years, are difficult to change. We are urged in the Bible to be "transformed by the renewing of our mind". That happens by focusing on Christ, studying and knowing his Word, and applying it to our lives.

It also means strategic focus on key areas we are seeking to change. For most of my Christian life I have desired to bear the spiritual fruit of gentleness. I am often like a bull in a china shop (I know that comes as a surprise to those who know me), yet I know the trait exists within me because I have seen it many times. For whatever reason, God has chosen not to suddenly make me a gentle person. A couple of months ago, I decided to make a concerted effort in the coming year to focus on this area of my life. I have even done some counseling to begin the journey. I have purchased some books to work through and am studying Scripture on the topic. It will take time, and prayer.

Why would God use someone who isn't gentle in ministry? I often ask that question myself. Then God shows me the countless "idiots" in the Bible that he used to do significant work for his kingdom.

In what area of your life do you wish to change? Are you working on it, just wishing God would suddenly change you? If you have prayed for him to change you, and you haven't changed, he is telling you that you need to struggle through it. When we struggle with things, our faith grows, our perseverance grows, and we are better able to help others with the struggle. As Greg says, "Our greatest area of weakness is potentially our greatest area of ministry."

Thank God every day that he is still willing to use you. I do!

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Great Teaching

Yesterday we had a Leadership Development Day which in itself is a cool idea. In other churches I have been at, we called it the Leadership Community. It is a gathering of our full-time staff and our volunteer staff (key ministry leaders who we see as staff members). Greg did a great job teaching and we watched a video from Andy Stanley. Andy is one of the best speakers of our time, though he goes a little fast for taking notes!

Andy's talk was on integrity as a leader. It was great stuff and so important. One thing he said that really stuck out to me is, "An open door isn't necessarily an invitation from God." That's pretty profound. We often judge answered prayer by this factor. If a door opens, we assume that we are to go through it. He said to weigh every opportunity against these three measures:

1. The Law of God
2. The Principles of God
3. The Wisdom of God

It may seem right, put if you step back and think for a moment, and weigh it against these three principles, you will be clearer if it is from God or not. There are many things which seem right to man. Sometimes it is a good opportunity, but not in God's timing. We may be short circuiting God's plan if we take the easy way out, and end up missing an opportunity to see his power in action.

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Good News - Bad News

After waiting for nearly three months, I finally saw a back specialist yesterday. I was looking forward to coming up with a game plan, whatever it entailed, to get my back so that I could function more fully. It has gotten so bad that sometimes I have to ride around on the scooters when shopping. I usually can't stand for very long without the pressure in my back becoming overwhelming. Adding this to the rest of my ailments has been very limiting.

I took two sets of MRI films for comparison. My back continues to get worse, even though I have done traction, physical therapy and exercise, taking supplements, changed my diet, epidurals, and various medications.

So, the good news was that I don't need surgery at this point. Praise God! I wasn't looking forward to that prospect, but I wanted a solution. The bad news is that there isn't anything more beyond what we are doing that we can do. In fact, it appears that the Fibromyalgia is making it worse and is a major source of the pain.

I was so frustrated! All that I could think of was Paul when God refused to take away his "thorn" and told him, "My grace is sufficient for you." I know that Lord, but in my humanness I was hopeful and praying for a different result.

So what now? Paige wants me to cut back a little bit more, but I'm not sure where I would do that. Nor am I sure that it would be of additional help to how much I have already cut back. I am praying for guidance and wisdom right now and trusting that God's grace is indeed sufficient. I do know that I will continue to do all that he gives me strength to do. He compels me to do what I am doing, and I find great joy in working with new believers and the other things I do around here at Palm Valley. Pain or no pain, I will serve him and praise him as long as he gives me breath, and even then, I am sure that I will serve him in heaven.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Olympic Politics

OK, I'm going political. We are having a blast watching the Olympics. Michael Phelps is amazing and fun to watch. The contrast of the men's and women's gymnastics teams is profound.

I am certainly disappointed with the whole women's gymnastics fiasco. I'm not saying that the girls deserved to win, because they made enough mistakes that they didn't earn it. I am wondering however, about the ages of the Chinese gymnasts. There are reports with "evidence" (not seen) that at least two of the girls aren't actually old enough to compete. The IOC's response is that since they showed a passport with the appropriate age, that they meet the standard, and won't investigate.

I'm not really commenting about that whole thing, but what I want to mention is the way that teams, including the USA have chosen to handle the situation. No one has filed an official protest, so there is no reason for the IOC to investigate further. Even if the reports are true, we may never know, and always wonder.

What I see in this though, is the decision to focus on the greater purpose. China is beginning to open its doors to the world. They have welcomed people from around the world to see them in action (even if there are some smoke and mirror tricks). The USA and other countries have chosen to pick their battles wisely. They see the greater purpose in encouraging China to open up, rather than to challenge them at every turn.

I commend our teams, who are often seen as arrogant snobs, for their care and graciousness in a variety of situations that could be real controversies. I even love that when the French relay team was talking smack, our guys just went out and beat them, and didn't say anything in response.

When we work with new believers it is often messy. People come to Christ with lots of baggage. The focus isn't on getting their lives cleaned up, it is on drawing them closer to Christ so that he can change their hearts, and lives, in his timing. Sometimes you have to bite your tongue, but there is a greater purpose - Leading them to become fully devoted followers of Christ!

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hebrew Fun

My office looks like an explosion of Hebrew linguistics took place. What began as a simple study of the concept of stewardship exploded into Greek and Hebrew word studies and a new view of work.

In Genesis 2:15 it says that God placed man in the garden to tend and care for it. It sounds simple enough, that is, until you dive in to see what that really means.

The Hebrew word that we translate "tend" means to "work". This is before the fall. Work is not a curse from the Lord. God cursed the land (See Genesis 3:17).

To care for the land means "to take great care". In other words, it is like tending to something precious. Think about caring for a baby. It is work, but not drudgery. And, you don't just care for a baby like a babysitter does, you take extra special care because it is yours and means something special to you.

I have long understood that we are to work "as to the Lord", but I had never thought of work in the context of worship. Think about it. Isn't honoring what God created a way to honor the creator? Isn't taking special care of what he has entrusted to you a form of worship? If so, then our work is a form of worship. As we go about our day, doing the "tasks" necessary in our jobs, we are actually expressing our love for God.

Being a steward is simply another form of worship, like singing and praying. Take special care in what you do to honor God through it!

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Monday, August 11, 2008

Drug OD

Yesterday was a strange day! About midway through our 8:30 service, I still couldn't cool down from being outside (It wasn't even that hot!). My vision started doing weird things. I wasn't feeling bad, which made it that much more puzzling. By the end of service I couldn't see strait and I was a bit woozy. There was huge pressure on my eyes. It was like I was wearing someone else's glasses. I wasn't dizzy, but I was very confused at what was happening.

Paige took me home. She and Ryan helped me to the car. Once I got home I went strait to bed. Paige put some cool wet cloths on me to cool my body down (though I didn't think that I was overheated). I slept for a while.

Throughout the day my vision slowly got better, but wasn't clear until this morning. I had some bouts with nausea and feeling flush. Cool wet cloths helped.

Food went down fine. After dinner, when I took my evening medications, I was thinking that I was short one. Of course it wasn't until after I took them that I thought to take inventory.

So, I think that I took an extra pill in the morning. I'm not sure which one, but I think I double dosed myself. I basically OD'd!

It was scary to say the least. It was really scary for Paige. I hated missing out on what God did at church the rest of the day, but I have a great ministry team who covered things just fine without me!

I'm a little hung over today, but back at it. I'll be hitting Walgreen's at lunch to get a pill organizer to keep my medications separated.

Praise God for his protection!

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Blog Break is Over!

After taking a break from blogging for the past month, it's time to get back at it. I took a break for a number of reasons.
1 - I was crazy busy! Not that I'm not busy now, but during the break we moved, and life in general was just KAOS.
2 - I was spending some extra time talking with God, and listening.
3 - Blogging became tedious and I want it to be meaningful to me, and to those who read it.

So, I felt that it was time to dive back in. God has been showing me a lot and has been doing mighty things in my life and around me in the lives of others that I know.

Thanks for reading!

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