Thursday, August 21, 2008

Great Teaching

Yesterday we had a Leadership Development Day which in itself is a cool idea. In other churches I have been at, we called it the Leadership Community. It is a gathering of our full-time staff and our volunteer staff (key ministry leaders who we see as staff members). Greg did a great job teaching and we watched a video from Andy Stanley. Andy is one of the best speakers of our time, though he goes a little fast for taking notes!

Andy's talk was on integrity as a leader. It was great stuff and so important. One thing he said that really stuck out to me is, "An open door isn't necessarily an invitation from God." That's pretty profound. We often judge answered prayer by this factor. If a door opens, we assume that we are to go through it. He said to weigh every opportunity against these three measures:

1. The Law of God
2. The Principles of God
3. The Wisdom of God

It may seem right, put if you step back and think for a moment, and weigh it against these three principles, you will be clearer if it is from God or not. There are many things which seem right to man. Sometimes it is a good opportunity, but not in God's timing. We may be short circuiting God's plan if we take the easy way out, and end up missing an opportunity to see his power in action.

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