Wednesday, November 01, 2006

God Breathed

If you've ever been around someone with bad breath, you know how powerful breath can be. But God's breath has ultimate power. Most Christians are familiar with 2 Timothy 3:16 that says that Scripture is "God breathed", but did you know that this phrase variation of the phrase appears more than 30 times in the Bible? I didn't!

I was reading in Genesis where God breathed into adam giving him life and it occured to me that this is the same phrase used in the Timothy passage. I decided to do a search and begin a study of God's breath. What power! God doesn't even need to use his hands. Just the breath of Him exhaling, which for us is used up air, has the power to create or destroy. His breath gives us life and the Holy Spirit, and it gives us His Word.

How cool is that, that the very breath of God has this much power. Imagine how much more power is in His hands!


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