Monday, April 28, 2008

Satan Fails Again

It was last Friday, on my day off, as I was working on some things for the weekend (yeah, sometimes a day off isn't, but when it isn't, it is almost always very worth it!). That's when it started. These thoughts started coming into my head.

First, let me say that I am reading the book Wild at Heart. It's taking me some time to get through because there are several issues that it has raised for me that I thought I had dealt with, but realize that I haven't fully. I know that Caleb loves this book, and now I know why. it's a must read for every man, and young man. Thoughts on the book are for a different post, but if you've read the book you'll understand this post that much more.

The thoughts were powerful. The first one, "what are you good for?" is one that I have had numerous times in my life. It's my Achilles heal and Satan knows it. With many things from my past, and the physical challenges I face, this is a constant challenge. I have battled back by calling it a checkpoint. When it comes, I can re-evaluate what God has done and is doing in my life.

The second thought was, "You don't preach anymore, and you don't sing anymore either. You don't..." It's a battle of pride and I know it. I miss preaching, but I know that there is no way that I could physically preach more than one or two services. My voice is gone, and while there are moments when I can still sing beautifully, I am very inconsistent, and there are ranges that I can no longer hit. That's reality!

The thoughts keep coming. My memory doesn't work the same since my stroke, so how could I help other churches.

I know where these thoughts were coming from, and why. This weekend was baptism, and God was getting ready to do something huge (and he did!). I have heard these thoughts enough that I had a response.

Philippians 1:6 says that God is continuing to shape me into what he wants me to be, and he won't stop until he is finished. That's a promise that I cling to every moment of every day. The other thoughts? Those aren't my role now. God used me to do those things in the past, and I don't know if he'll use them in me again, but what he has me doing now is important because it is what he has called me to for this season in my life. Sure, I hope that I get the opportunity to share what I have learned, and am learning, about working with new and returning believers with other churches, but mostly, I just want to do what I am doing better and better.

The other stuff just doesn't matter any more! As long as I can get out of bed, I will serve him, and if or when I can't, I will still praise his name. He certainly has done a great work in me, and I thank him for not being finished. I don't know what he has planned for me in five or ten years, but for now, I am thrilled to get to do what I am doing.

Satan tried to discourage me. He tried to get me focusing on my past rather than on the present. he tried to get me focused on me, not on Him. It didn't work, the weekend was awesome, and Satan failed...again!

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At 4/28/2008 8:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

163 New Believers would say that you are an amazing Pastor, and so would I. You are a blessing and a great mentor to us young kingdom leaders and I'm honored to learn from you.

At 4/28/2008 11:01 AM , Blogger Teachertraveler said...

Paul, thank you so much for what you do. I knew something big was going to happen this weekend when Greg started losing his voice and Ryan was on crutches. :-)
I've been reading through John Eldredge's new book Walking with God and it's been blowing my prayer life away. I love how John really makes you aware of spiritual warfare and how Satan tries to take us down through subtle "agreements".
Know that you're being prayed for and that God has given you a specific purpose for such a time as this.

At 4/28/2008 5:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Great thoughts from a great man. I appreciate you staying in the battle and experiencing the victory!

Great job, the fresh start team is hittin' it out of the park!


At 5/21/2008 1:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never heard you preach (or sing) but by reading through your blog, I am sure many are blessed. You are an incredible minister, just through your writings.

-Melanie Wier


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