Tuesday, February 26, 2008

God's Family in Action - A True Story of Love

I want to share a story with you about something that happened in God's family in the past couple of weeks.

I got a frantic email from a friend in the church who does foster care. He had just gotten a call that a young girl and boy were on their way to his home. No advanced warning, just that they were on the way. They were coming with nothing. He was worried about having clothes for them and wanted to know if I knew someone who could help.

I made two phone calls and wow, what an amazing response! Word spread quickly and people were firing detail questions back that I had no idea needed to be answered (that's a man for you!). They wanted to know sizes and if they needed shoes, etc. Within an hour I had clothes with more on the way. Others were waiting on standby with more clothes because we weren't sure how long the kids would be staying and how much would be needed.

I am happy to say that the kids have gone to be with others, and the needs were more than met! One child was so excited and surprised when told that he could keep the clothes.

The family who cared for these kids is new to Palm Valley Church and are so grateful for how the church responded. I assured them that this is how God's family functions. We care for one another and meet needs as they arise and as God provides.

I get teary just thinking about it. I am so proud to be a part of this family. Watching it care for others is such a testimony to the world around us. Palm Valley Church, a big thank you from the family you helped, and from me as one of your pastors. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus! These kids, going through crisis, got to experience the love of Jesus first hand!

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At 2/27/2008 6:03 PM , Blogger luvgod2 said...

What a blessing - it is wonderful to hear the body of Christ responding the way God intended it to do!


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