Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Mark of a Believer

How can you know that you are saved? How can you know that someone else is saved? Casually we say that anyone who knows Jesus is saved. James said that isn't enough, because even the demons know Jesus. So, what's the mark of a believer?

I've been re-studying baptism. After studying every related Scripture passage, and several books and articles I have a fresh outlook and understanding of some of the "side issues" that I hadn't worked through before. One key question that I wanted to answer in my studies was "How old is old enough?" It hit me last night that I've been asking the wrong question. Certainly, I will make sure that I have an answer to that one for those who ask it, but it isn't the real question. We should be asking, "How do you know that you have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ?" a follow-up question to that would be, "What is the mark of a believer?"

As I begin to wrestle that through, I am immediately taken to Jesus' interaction with the "Rich Young Ruler." This young man had done everything required, yet it wasn't enough. He hadn't given up what he prized most to follow Jesus. I think of what James wrote, that "Faith without works is dead." My mind races to Paul's writing about the fruits of the Spirit, and his admonition in Roman's 12:1 to present ourselves as a "living sacrifice." It's becoming clear. The mark of a believer is the Holy Spirit working through their surrendered and sacrificed life.

I understand the theology, and have studied it many times, but it is really quite simple in many ways. A person who has a saving relationship with Jesus Christ will have the evidennce of the Holy Spirit working in their life. The Bible is clear in many places that when we repent of our sinsw, and choose to be a Christ-Follower, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit who comes to dwell within us. Our lives are changed! How can they not be? When we go from living without the Holy Spirit, to living with Him, who can there not be change? If there isn't, I would question the person's decision for Christ. Look at the Scriptural examples! We can't be the same if we have encountered Jesus.

I'm not saying that we become perfect (look at the example of the apostles), what I am saying is that there is a transformation that occurs when the Holy Spirit enters our lives. We can do, and say, the right things, but if the Holy Spirit isn't working in our lives, then we haven't sold everything we have to follow Christ! That's the mark of a believer. How has the Holy Sprit worked in your life?

To answer the other question, "How old is old enough?" it is when there is evidence in a person's life that they have the Holy Spirit living within them. What that looks like is different for every person, but I know that there is a difference, a heart change. It isn't about knowledge and understanding, it is giving yourself as a living sacrifice to God. When you have done that, you will know that you have been saved!

I know that all of this is loaded with issues for theological debate, and I welcome that debate, as long as it is thoughtfully founded on the Bible.

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At 5/17/2007 5:51 AM , Blogger Mr. Mike said...

Wow. Great post. It really shows me that I have such a long way to go...


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