Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Why Ministry to New Believers is Different

Ministry to new believers is different than "normal" discipleship in the church. Here are some things that I have learned about the differing needs:

1. New Believers are just beginning to discover what it means to have a relationship with God. They aren't likely to be anxious to sing "Holy, Holy, Holy" at the beginning of Bible study, because they are still trying to grasp on a very basic level the holiness of God!

2. They need clarification as to what decision they have made in choosing to follow Jesus. What are they signing up for?

3. They need help understanding what it means to be saved, and to know that they won't lose their salvation the next time they sin. They need assurance!

4. They need to gain a foundational understanding of the Bible. They need to understand what it is, why they can trust it, which one do they need, how to find things in it, and how to study it. This is one of two huge intimidation factors for new believers! They are reluctant to join a small group because they don't know anything about the Bible. They are afraid that they will go and the group will be studying Isaiah and they don't what know what, or who, Isaiah is, let alone where to find it.

5. They need to learn how to talk with God. This is the second huge intimidation factor for new believers. People pray outloud at small group! The horror! The leader is eloquent and others have just the right words to say. They are afraid of being embarrassed by saying the wrong thing.

6. They need to understand worship. Worship is more than music, it's a lifestyle, and the church is often guilty of messing that up! We need to help new believers understand that worship involves giving acknowledging with our whole being the glory and honor God already has and celebrating that glory because we are His children!

7. They need to learn to grow spiritually and take responsibility for thier growth. They need to be taught early that it isn't the church's or anyone elses job to make them grow to be like Christ! The church certainly must create opportunity and have an atmosphere that will facilitate growth, but they need to learn to feed themselves!

8. They need to learn to share their story! New believers by nature have the most connections to unsaved people. As we grow toward maturity, we naturally gravitate to other believers. New believers typically have unsaved friends and family with whom they can share their story.

9. They need to learn to become stewards of what God has given them. This includes time, talent, and treasure. This goes back to a lifestyle of worship. Living as a sacrifice to God should produce a desire to serve Him with the gifts and resources He gives us.

10. They need to know that they are loved and that people genuinely care for and about them! They aren't concerned about "fellowship" they are concerned about "friendship."

The funny thing about this list, is that it should also apply to those who have been believers for years, but often bad habits and selfish desires creep in. If we help people develop good habits from the beginning, they are less likely to fall away, and less likely to become consumer Christians. To that end, we have and continue to focus on ministering to new believers and developing resources so that others can too. If you are interested in what we have available, please don't hesitate to ask! If you have resources that would help us, please share them!

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