Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Nativity - Movie Review

I should have posted this a few days ago. Paige and I went to see The Nativity on Saturday night after I got home from church. Here are my thoughts:

- It moves a little too slow. It's 1 hr 40 minutes (approximately), and could easily have been 10 to 20 minutes shorter. I think it moves too slow for kids to enjoy, but I have heard people who have taken their kids say they did fine and liked it.

- Hollywood can't get the wisemen right! Once again, the wise men come to the manger shortly after the birth of Jesus. Theologically it doesn't really matter, so it's no big deal, but it would be nice to see them get it right once in a while. If they're really trying to follow the Scriptural account, then they should look at the information from all the Gospels. Then they would know when things happened.

- Hollywood got it right! I think they did a really great job capturing the emotions that the people involved probably felt. We can't know for sure, but culturally, socially, emotionally I think that they nailed it. Especially when Mary tells Joseph and her family that she is pregnant. Their response and the response of the people of Nazareth were exactly as I would have imagined.

- Theater popcorn has gotten really bad! I used to love getting popcorn at the movies. It was the best! Hot buttered and salted popcorn that is messy and hot is a thing of the past. How sad!

- Anyway, I give the movie a B+ only because of the slowness and when the wisemen came. I really enjoyed it. I loved Joseph's line as a soon to be father of the Messiah, "I wonder if I will be able to teach Him anything!"

Go see it. It's worth the time, and it's a great story :-)!


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