Tuesday, October 03, 2006

End Times

Every so often the topic of the end times becomes popular. In some circles, it is always popular and always the central focus. I tend to be in the D.L. Moody camp on this subject. When asked why he never preached on the second coming of Christ, he is reported to have replied, "because there are too many people that haven't heard of the first coming." This sin't to say that I avoid the topic, or never read prophetic Scripture, but that's not my focus. I think the main focus many who study the topic focus on the wrong thing. They focus on when Jesus will return (the Bible says not even Jesus knows when that will be, so who do we think we are to declare when it will be), who the bad guys are (whover their enemies or perceived enemies are at the time - which changes), and which country will be blessed (naturally their own of course). The Bible says that we are to be prepared for His coming. It could be at any moment. That could mean today, or another thousand years. The bottom line is that regardless of the struggles we face, we are to endure in our faith and bring others to a saving knowledge of Him who can save them. So don't get caught up in the hype, and study the Scriptures. Don't take anyones word for granted, especially when they name names and times.


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