Tuesday's House Update
Yes, it's still Monday, but I doubt I'll have a chance to write anything tomorrow. Tuesdays are my busiest, most exhausting days, and other than the weekend, it is my favorite day of the week. Tuesdays we have our usual prayer and Psalm reading time as staff, and then have staff meeting. It's a chance to hear what God did the past weekend in other ministry areas.
Tuesdays my intern Paul comes in. He is a friend of Josh and is studying ministry. He has a willing heart and I hope that he gains ministry insights from his time with us that will help him long into the future.
Then Tuesday nights is one of two New Believer's Growth Groups that I lead and host at our home. Between the two groups we have twenty-five people, not including leaders, involved.
Anyway, framing starts on the house tomorrow. We were out twice today making decisions on chalk lines. I didn't think that there would be much to change, but I was wrong. We widened the space for the refrigerator to go to a 48" instead of 42". That moved an entire wall! We wanted more space in the entryway, that moved two walls! We wanted more space around the door in the master-bath toilet room, that moved two walls and a door!
All the wood is there and we saw the viga poles (10" and 12" diameter lodge poles). They really look cool! I can't wait to see them installed. The trusses will be delivered on Thursday, which will probably be the day that they put them up with the crane. It'll be a busy week (but really fun!)
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